#hunter lefkowitz
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Sam with Caine and his crew at the end of Gone
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gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part 9
hey yall i’ve been sick lately and my sinuses feels stuffy as fuck so i haven’t been thinking a lot the last few days so enjoy a couple of longer prewritten hcs to satiate you for the time being
roger and diana became friends towards the end of the fayz. they’re similar in nature (at least in my head they are) and due to diana being pregnant and roger being the nurse they were forced to spend time together. they end up finding solace in each other. also diana just deserves friends in general bc why did she have caine and caine alone
early in the fayz astrid made a map of perdido to make things easier for people (the one in the books) and when they relocate to the lake, edilio asks sam to make one of tramonto for the same reason. he comes to collect it a few days later (a lot of time to draw a map, mind you) to find the worst drawing he’s ever seen. no one asks sam to draw anything ever again. he soon goes to ask roger.
gone.grouptherapy has brought it to my attention that bug steals people food a lot (i.e. the mints that one time) and is likely the person who stole that beef jerky that caused the fight between hunter and zil, leading to harry’s death, hunter’s beating and the start of the human crew. in short, bug caused a butterfly affect of creating a n@zi group for some beef jerky.
sam doesn’t remember any of the events in hunger after his run in w drake. not only had both his mind and body gone into shock, but he was also pumped full of morphine. after lana healed him, he completely passed out for like. several days, and while lana healed the surface wounds there was still residue from the spinal damage drake caused. he was bed bound and had severe back pain for a while to the point where he was almost completely out of commission in between hunger and lies, which is why astrid took over. both sam’s mental and physical health were too unstable for him to do it himself.
after hunter died, the council decided it was best to continue hunting for meat, as it fed quite a lot of people. they got some other kids to take over hunter’s job (i know hunter had his powers but they probably just used guns yk) and then shared the meat between the lake and town. it was one of the only reasons caine and sam communicated after the big split. neither of them enjoyed it.
#gone series#the gone series#gone michael grant#michael grant#fayz#the fayz#caine soren#sam temple#diana ladris#astrid ellison#drake merwin#lana arwen lazar#gone series bug#hunter lefkowitz
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Jay’s Board of Ghosts
Freddie has more proof when he confronts Sam and Jay about the ghosts, and the ghosts trap situation goes a little differently.
Trevor can't help his curiosity when Freddie announces that he has something he needs to share with Sam and Jay. Hence, hanging out in the kitchen with Alberta and Flower watching the tense meeting.
"Okay, so, what did you want to talk to us about?" Sam asks.
Freddie braces himself before saying, "Sam, Jay, since I have started working here, I've noticed some disturbing things."
"Disturbing things?"
"It started with these strange, almost ethereal humming sounds I would hear every now and then..."
"I think he's talking about you, Alberta," Flower states as if it wasn't obvious that it was her, while Trevor gives her an excited look. He loves when they mess with livings, why wasn’t he there for that?
"It was like a singer warming up, but kind of off-key."
"The hell it was!" Alberta yells, causing Sam to jump and Trevor and Flower to laugh.
"Well, it's an old house, so you might have just been hearing the wind," Jay offers.
"That's what I thought, especially with the electricity issue that often accompanies it, but then there was that time that Mrs. Goldsmith suddenly got high out of nowhere, and the time that it suddenly stunk out of nowhere."
Trevor tries not to laugh. One thing that always accompanies Alberta’s singing is Thor’s frustration, and the more people in the mansion, the more likely it is for them to get walked through.
"Things happen, maybe Mrs. Goldsmith forgot that she decided to get high or took some medications that simulate that type of situation," Sam tries.
"Yeah, and someone was just a little gassy," Jay states. "Happens."
"That was far more than gas."
"Still, I'm sure it's just ... house things."
"Yeah, but then there's this one time my pen was sitting on the counter, and it almost seemed like something pushed it into the trash can."
Sam throws him a look.
Trevor shrugs with a laugh. "Sass dared me, what was I, not gonna?"
"Sometimes, things fall," Sam offers.
Freddie's not paying attention because he turns the computer around as he says, "But this is the weirdest thing by far." Oh no, was he caught? "This is security footage from the front desk from the other night." He zooms in on the keys where Trevor can see them moving due to his efforts. "See that. No one is there, but the keys are moving. Interesting, huh?" He pauses for effect, before saying, "Now, I know that this is crazy, but there's only one plausible explanation for all of this... you guys have.... ghosts."
Sam and Jay don't react right away. Instead, trying to figure out a way out of this.
"Did you guys hear me? I said I think you have ghosts."
"I think that's a little far-fetched," Sam says.
"Yeah, I mean, you don't really believe in ghosts, do you?"
"Oh, they're going to try to make him thing he's crazy," Alberta says.
"It's really the only play here," Trevor states. "What's the alternative? Tell him he's right and there are ghosts that Sam can see but Jay can't?"
"She can always tell him that we're friendly ghosts like Casper," Flower says.
"Yeah, and risk him freaking out and telling everyone - no. That's a horrible idea if they can get away with pretending that he's wrong."
He and Alberta continue to argue the merits of admitting the truth, including that Sam wouldn't have to ignore them in Freddie's presence, and that it would be fun to mess with Freddie if he knew who they were. Meanwhile, Sam and Jay try unsuccessfully to convince him that the keys aren't moving by themselves.
"Fine, you won’t admit to seeing the keys – no problem,” Freddie states. “What about this?”
He brings out Jay’s Board of Ghosts, which had each of the ghosts he knew about labeled with what they look like, what he knows about them, and what powers they had (if any). It also labeled where they liked to spend time and their bedrooms, as well as any other ghosts’ notes. Alberta, Flower, and Sam all look extremely surprised, while Jay looks caught.
Trevor’s known about this project of Jay’s for a while. He’d been bored when he saw Jay typing ghost notes into his phone and head into the secret room inside the pantry. He had followed him and had seen that he’d been cataloguing the things he’d learned about the ghosts so he could get a better idea of everything that he couldn’t see going on around him. In an effort to get Jay to stop calling him ‘no pants’, he offered to help him with the details Sam often leaves out. Sadly, that effort seems to be in vain since Jay continues to call him that.
Looks like it was a secret project for both of them.
Sam looks at Jay, who doesn’t look like he has a response for it. So, Trevor jumps in, “Tell him that Jay wanted to surprise you by trying to write a creative writing story for you. For your anniversary in a couple of weeks. Ghosts at the Mansion.”
Sam quickly relays the message, trying to make it seem like she already knew about it even though it’s a ‘surprise’, but Freddie asks, “If it’s a surprise, how do you know about it?”
“Make up some story about accidently finding it in the pantry secret room – that’s what Freddie would’ve found it as it’s where I found it.”
Flower and Alberta are both giving him confused looks, but Sam follows through with the explanation, even adding, “I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t want to ruin your surprise.”
“I – I just didn’t know if it would be any good, so I didn’t want to admit it, but I’m glad you know,” Jay states. “And yes, Freddie, sometimes weird things happen, and – and I came up with this idea to explain the weird things, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“This is really detailed,” Freddie says, placing the board on the table as the women in the room take a look at the board. “You’ve got many ghosts, what they look like, what they like to do, how they died, when they died, what they like to smell for food… I mean, all of this for a story?”
“Well, yeah – when you write, you want to know your characters,” Jay says, side-eyeing Sam, who’s nodding while Freddie busy looking down. “I – uh – I wanted to make sure that the story felt real.”
“Exactly. Especially, since he is writing it for me – a writer. He probably wanted the background all sorted, right, Jay?”
Freddie frowns, “I guess it just seems like a lot of work for an anniversary present.”
“Well, it’s just – with the business and everything, we’ve been kind of strapped for cash and I thought it was something that well –”
“I love it,” Sam says. “It’s a great idea for a present, especially since I’m a writer.”
“See, sometimes I have good ideas,” Trevor states, to an eyeroll from Alberta.
“See,” Jay smiles.
Freddie sighs. “You don’t believe me – that’s okay, I’ll find a way to prove it to you.”
With that, he gets up and walks out of the kitchen.
“What is this?” Sam questions Trevor as soon as Freddie leaves.
“Why are you looking at me? It’s Jay’s board!” Trevor retorts. “You think I could’ve set it up by myself?”
“It’s my ghost board,” Jay states. “I’ve been keeping track of my ghosts notes and the ghosts with this board.”
“It looks like a murder board.”
“Well, at least Alberta was murdered…” Jay states. “But that’s not the point. I just wanted to keep it all in one place and to myself so that I wouldn’t be teased.”
“And yet, Trevor knew?” Sam asks. “Instead of me.”
“Well, he saw me writing my ghost notes and followed me in there and offered to help and – and he’s the only I can actually talk to, so…”
“Well, he should’ve told you to tell me,” Sam says, throwing him a look.
“How are you making this my fault?” Trevor scoffs.
“Because everything’s your fault,” Sam retorts.
“Is not!”
“Yes, it is – the rule of thumb is that it’s always the baby ghost’s fault,” Flower cheers. “And that’s not me!”
Before anyone can respond, Flower skips out of the room.
“Baby ghost?” Sam questions.
“It’s what we call the newest ghost. Flower was technically the first baby ghost – I gave her that name,” Alberta smiles.
“Yeah, and then she decided that was what she was going to call each new ghost, but it didn’t bother Pete, so she didn’t bother to use it, Stephanie is only awake one day a year, so that’s no fun and then, I died…”
“And it bugs him, so I have to do it,” Alberta states. “But I just do it at just the right moment because I was calling him only that for ages and he got immune to it.”
“Was it just you?”
“Sadly, no,” Trevor states. “And I hate it.”
“I could call you no pants.”
“Please don’t. I hate that more, considering no one takes me seriously because I decided to be nice to Pinkus.”
Trevor’s a lot more bitter about not being taken seriously due to the pants issue since everyone knows that it wasn’t because he was waiting to have sex, again, but because he was trying to help his friend. Before, he could accept it, that was his fault for trying to play up his playboy persona, but now…
He glances up just in time to see Sam realize that Jay’s been rather insistent on refusing to call him by his name, and she grimaces.
She clears her throat. “Well, we’ll just have to be more careful. No ghost powers while Freddie’s around and we can’t talk either as he’ll probably be more suspicious. Got it?”
“Yes,” Trevor and Alberta say together.
“Good, go spread the word to everyone else.”
Trevor can’t help laughing at the fact that Freddie apparently decided that he would trap the ghosts in what looks like a children’s toy to prove the ghosts’ existence to Sam and Jay. It’s ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is the cookie that he placed on the trap to lure them. As if they couldn’t resist a simple cookie.
Although he may not be wrong about the temptation since six of the eight ghosts are currently being tempted by the trap. Sam doesn’t leave out food just for the ghosts, and especially not cookies (usually hiding them from Jay, too).
“Why is there a cookie on top of it?” Flower asks.
“I think that was Freddie's attempt to bait the trap,” Pete offers, standing beside Flower.
“But ghosts can't even eat. Freddie so dumb,” Thor states from Trevor’s left as he checks out the box.
All of the ghosts in the room laugh.
“It does look rather scrumptious, though. I wouldn't mind taking a little whiff,” Isaac says, waving his free arm (since Hetty is holding onto him to stop her from holding onto Trevor since they’re pretending that they don’t get down and dirty together) in a get the whiff manner.
“Mm-hmm, yes, a whiff would be divine, but one would need to get very close to properly smell the cookie, and in doing so one might accidently touch the device,” Hetty states, evidently a bit more concerned than he is about the device.
“Indeed,” Isaac agrees.
“So what? It's not dangerous,” Trevor states, teasingly touching Thor.
“As we've already established, it's most certainly a children's toy,” Isaac states as everyone agrees. “But, on the off chance it is a functioning ghost trap, it wouldn't be safe with all of us crowded around, jostling and shoving, trying to get our sniffs in.”
“Well, maybe one of us should just touch it and make sure it's okay,” Flower offers.
Flower makes a good point, and Isaac clearly agrees.
“I can't believe I'm saying this, but great minds think alike. One of us should touch the trap. And as the commanding officer, that responsibility should fall to me...”
Trevor’s surprised that Isaac’s going to risk himself, as Hetty lets go of Isaac to allow him to do it, until he finishes with, “to pick the person. Pete, do it.”
“What?! Why me?” Pete asks, as everyone turns to him. “Why don't we draw straws?”
“Because that would require the handling and cutting of straws, which is beyond our abilities,” Hetty states, plainly, tilting her head a little that makes him wonder if she wants a more concrete way to decide it fairly.
“Look, Jay left his nerd dice out on the table,” Trevor states, and then points at each of them as he counts them out. “One, two, three, four, five, six.” He gets nods from everyone, and says, “I knock a dice off, whosever number comes up, that's who touches the trap. Capisce?”
Everyone nods.
Hetty says, “All right.”
Flower says, “Yeah!”
Thor says, “Not a bad idea.”
Isaac says, “Yeah, yeah.”
And Pete’s the last to agree with, “Okay. Capi... capisce.”
Knowing that Hetty’s standing next to him and loves his magic fingers, he exhales sharply and strains for a few seconds to put on a show before it falls off the table and finally lands on six.
Trevor can’t help the relief that floods through him that it’s not his or Hetty’s numbers as everyone turns as one to Pete.
“So what are we thinking, two out of three, or... ?”
He feels bad for Pete, but they all agreed on the number thing, so…
Isaac steps in. “Pete, I say this with love, but we're wasting valuable, valuable sniffing time. Now get in there.”
“Okay. Uh...” Pete takes his time to as he approaches the trap, and everyone leans away. “Yeah, I can't do it. I'm sorry,” Pete says backing away.
“Oh, big surprise,” Thor bursts out. “Coward man being coward.”
Since no one enjoys being called a coward, Pete says, “Well, if you're so brave, why don't you touch it?”
Everyone gasps.
“You challenging Thor's manhood?”
Since Flower is literally between them, Pete says, “From over here I am, yeah.”
“Fine, I'll touch it. Thor not afraid.”
He reaches forward without a thought and touches the trap.
Relieved, Trevor says, “See? Nothing to wor –”
He’s cut off by a whooshing sound and suddenly, Thor’s sucked into the trap.
They all go from relieved to freaking out. The trap works?
It wasn’t supposed to work, and he can’t help backing up as far away as he can, and he’s only vaguely surprised that Hetty seeks him out to hold onto as everyone screams. At least it wasn’t one of them.
He couldn’t help wondering what was happening to Thor – was he okay? They’d all scoffed at the idea that it could be real, and yet, it was.
And now, they possibly lost Thor.
Isaac brings Sam in kitchen as they’re all yelling about Thor being sucked in and Jay just sitting there eating a sandwich. She calms them all down, and asks, "Okay, so what happened?"
Jay assumes she's talking to him, and responds, "Well, there was an Oreo on top of this weird toaster thingy, and I ate it, which made me realize I was still peckish, so I made a sandy."
Naturally, Sam ignores him, to focus on the ghosts.
"Thor touched the device and is now trapped inside."
"Why was he touching it?"
"Wait, what happened?" Jay questions, confused.
"That is a ghost trap, and apparently Thor touched it, and now he's trapped inside," Sam states in her rather annoyed voice at having to explain.
"A ghost trap? And you knew about this?"
"Well, none of us actually thought it worked," Sam scoffs.
"I'm still in shock that it actually worked," Trevor states. "It's a kid's toy, it shouldn't work."
"Why didn't you consult me? You got a weird sci-fi thing in the kitchen, and you didn't think to ask the guy wearing the Atari shirt?" Jay questions, which is fair since he actually wants to know more about the ghosts and doesn't just try to tune them out.
"You were busy with other things and the ghosts are sort of my thing," Sam admits. Since she can talk to and help them, that's also fair.
"Oh, 'cause you can see and hear them. Yeah, yeah, way to rub that in my face again."
Trevor would almost feel bad for him if it wasn't for the fact that Thor is currently trapped in the ghost trap and Jay cares more about his own feelings at being left out.
"Uh, hello?" Thor yells, jarring their attention to the trap. "Perhaps there's more urgent matters to discuss!"
"Yeah, the big guy's got a point. Or is it little guy?" Trevor questions, lightly trying to ease tensions. "What do we call him now?"
Hetty scolds him a little with her hands for asking and making a joke, but at least he tried.
"Hey-hey, Thor, it's Pete. Uh, sorry about this whole turn of events. I can't help but feel, I don't know, a little bit responsible."
Trevor's not really sure why Pete would feel responsible when technically they all wanted someone to risk it for a stupid cookie, and Thor had decided to do it on his own. Now, if Pete were in there, it would be someone's fault - as he didn't volunteer, Isaac volunteered him and the number system was Trevor's idea, but he supposes he blames himself for questioning Thor's manhood.
"Now, before you say that's crazy..."
"Not crazy," Thor cuts him off. "This is very much your fault, Pete."
"Okay, cool. So, we're on the same page."
"So, how do we get Thor out of the trap?" Sam asks.
"Why don't we just ask Freddie? He's the one who ordered it," Jay offers, logically.
"But we made such a big deal about not believing in ghosts."
Hetty is having none of the hesitation. "Just go speak with him. Yes, you'll look foolish, but that's nothing new. Bite the bullet."
Isaac grins. "Oh, you know that expression came from my era. We had to literally bite bullets during surgery because we lacked anesthesia."
"And how did that work out?" Sam questions.
"Mm, sort of depended on how good your barber was."
Sam shakes her head.
"I just can't justify doing that after we made him like stupid and crazy, even after he found Jay's board of ghosts," Sam states. "We can figure this out without him."
“What if we can’t? We could lose Thor,” Pete states.
“Well, it’s just –” Sam starts, but Trevor doesn’t care to listen.
Trevor wasn't taking chances with Thor's life or afterlife. He would tell Freddie himself; it had been one thing earlier, but now, they needed him to know so that he could help. He takes off to find him vaguely hearing Hetty and Pete questioning where he was going and not giving an answer.
Just as he spots Freddie by the iPad, he hears Jay suggesting that Trevor (or No Pants – oy vey, sometimes he hates Jay a bit) might be telling Freddie about the ghosts to save Thor.
Luckily, his power has gotten a lot stronger because he's able to write: Hey Freddie, it's Trevor the ghost. Ghosts are real, your trap works and it kind of kidnapped my buddy, so could you tell us how to get him out? All before Sam could track them down.
Freddie's staring at the message as Sam comes into view. He opens his mouth to say something about ghosts being real, when Sam, obviously angry, says, "What the hell, Trevor?"
"Thor is my buddy, I'm not going to throw the chance to the wind that we might get the answer right when we can just ask Freddie instead," Trevor states. Unlike his own bros, he could and would do anything for his friends. "I'm not the type to just do nothing when I can save my friend."
Sam apparently picks up on what his real issue is.
"This is not the same thing as what happened to you."
"It could be - you're going to risk Thor's life playing around when you could just ask Freddie for the answer."
Sam groans. "Fine, Freddie. I screwed up earlier. We do have ghosts, but we like to keep it a secret, they're friendly if a little annoying because some of them don't know how to listen."
Trevor sticks his tongue out at Sam, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Ghosts are real."
"And you can see them?"
"Mean," Trevor states. "We make your life more interesting."
"And difficult, besides, you all get a better afterlife thanks to me."
"If you want to get technical –” it was really because of him.
"I technically died for three minutes, don't you dare."
"Anyway, Freddie. Thor decided to touch the damn thing and he sucked in. We need to get him out."
Freddie looks quite freaked out, but nods.
"Alright, let's do this."
They all walk to the kitchen, where everyone is trying to reassure Thor.
"We're here with Freddie, Thor. Everything's gonna be okay," Trevor says, as he resumes his spot but Hetty and Flower.
"What did you do?"
"Trevor told Freddie about the ghosts," Sam says, to explain the confused Jay.
"Told you that was No Pants was doing."
Trevor sighs deeply as Hetty pats his back, she knows how much he hates that now.
"Please stop calling him that."
Jay gives her a confused look as Flower speaks.
"What's going on? What happened to Thor?"
Hetty gives her a sympathetic look, "Oh, my dear, he's being held captive inside that machine. You were standing right here when it happened."
"Wow. This machine?" Flower asks, leaning far too close to the machine for comfort.
Apparently, everyone senses trouble because they all yell, "Flower, no!" Right before she joins Thor in the trap.
Everyone's yelling, and Hetty is clutching at Trevor's hand as Jay asks, "Wait, why'd it turn red? Did Thor get out?"
Sam grimaces, "Not exactly."
She quickly explains what happened as Alberta joins them, and Freddie offers to call the company. Once Freddie goes off to call, they all calm down.
"Thor, Flower, Freddie's on the phone with the company in Latvia. He's gonna find a way to get you out of there," Pete offers, obviously still feeling guilty.
"Are we sure we want to give them that hope?" Alberts asks.
Isaac lowers his voices, "I mean, it's very possible they're just stuck in there forever now."
"Just giving heads up. Can still hear, even when you lower voice!"
They all look a bit chastised.
"Oh my god, you guys! Thor's stuck in a ghost trap!"
Trevor can't help, but chuckle. He's pretty sure that she's just messing around to lighten the mood.
"Wait for it."
"Oh my God. I'm in here with him!"
Pete grimaces. "It should've been me. It was my number that came up."
"Oh, Peter, don't beat yourself up. There'll be plenty of time to ruminate on your cowardice later," Hetty says, unhelpfully.
Trevor tries not to laugh. "That's the least helpful thing you can say right now."
Hetty gives him a look, but before she can retort, Freddie comes back in.
"Okay, I spoke to the customer service rep. There's a button on the side, and all we have to do is hold it for three seconds."
Everyone chuckles, relieved.
"Okay, perfect," Sam says. "Let's do that."
"Whoa, you don't want to ask me? Atari shirt,” Jay says, annoyed that he’s being ignored, again.
Trevor can't help rolling his eyes.
"Sorry, Jay. What do you think?"
"I think we should do it. I just wanted to be asked."
"Okay. One, two, three."
Sam presses the button, but Thor and Flower don't pop out of the ghost trap. Instead, it beeps loudly and turns red.
"Light turn red. Why do light turn red?" Thor shouts.
No one answers him, as Pete notes, "There's a countdown, that can't be good."
"Freddie, what does that say?" Sam demands.
"Uh, I don't know Latvian."
"It's counting down to something!"
"What is it counting down to?" Jay questions.
"Let me check," Freddie says, as he opens the Latvian directions. "Oh, this is interesting. It says 'Evisceration...'," Freddie says, far to calmly.
"What?!" Everyone yells.
"Countdown to evisceration."
"Oh, that is not good."
"Unless, maybe this is a chance to have the mansion be less haunted and less ghosts to annoy you," Freddie suggests, earning looks from all of the ghosts in the room to Sam.
"Freddie, just fix this," Jay says, as the clock continues down from five minutes.
"All right, I'll give them a call back," Freddie says leaving the room with Jay behind him to make sure they get their answers.
"Why would you hang up in the first place before making sure it worked," Trevor states, annoyed. He doesn't like the sound of Thor and Flower possibly being eviscerated.
He can tell the other ghosts are feeling much the same.
It only takes a minute for Jay to come back in, "Very bad news. Freddie's on hold and says it's a forty-five-minute wait to talk to someone."
"B-But we only have four minutes left on the evisceration clock!"
"I led with "This is very bad news"," Jay states.
The ghosts all agree. "He did say that."
"That's fair."
"We still have to do something," Trevor states. "We can't let them die again."
Isaac nods, "What if you just smash the device, Samantha? Perhaps that'll set them free."
"Isaac's saying maybe we could smash the trap."
"That's a horrible idea. They're inside! They could be squished," Trevor argues at the same time as Jay responding.
"But it could hurt them. And even if it didn't, what if when they get out, they're permanently small?"
"I don't see you having any other ideas," Isaac says, as Thor begins yelling, again.
"Thor not want to be permanently small! Base much of identity on being large."
Jay frowns. "Wait a minute, wait a minute. What if "Two and under" isn't about age? Maybe it's the number of ghosts the trap was designed to hold. Maybe it's only able to hold a certain amount of ghost energy."
Trevor nods. "Not that I endorse his lifestyle, but this is where having a nerd can be useful."
"Look at this gauge. It went up when Thorfinn got trapped. It's gone higher since Flower went in there. A third ghost could push it into the red zone."
"What happens if it goes into the red zone?"
"Well, hopefully it overloads the system and causes the device to fail, which should free all the ghosts."
"That's a huge risk," Trevor states.
"Unless he's wrong, and then we've eviscerated three ghosts," Isaac states.
"Unless you're wrong, and now we've lost three ghosts," Sam repeats.
"Look, I know I can't see the ghosts or hear them, but I care about them, and I would never do anything to risk harm to them if I didn’t think with all of my heart that this could work," Jay states.
Trevor's sure that he does care, but he also knows that his life might be a bit better with a few less ghosts, so he's not sure this is the best course of action.
Sam, however, agrees with Jay as she says, "You know what, I think you're right. Okay, you all heard the man in the Atari shirt. I think we got to give this a shot."
"And now one more of us is going to die so that Jay feels heard," Hetty states, obviously thinking the same thing as Trevor with regards to this risk.
Before anything else could be said, Sass walks in.
"Hey, Sam, I thought Pete told you about the whole selling my girlfriend thing - are you working on getting the car back?"
"Uh, no, been kind of busy here, Sass," Sam retorts.
"With what?"
"Thor and flower are caught in the ghost trap," Trevor states.
"And then Samantha activated an evisceration clock, and now Jay wants another one of us to go in there and save them or, just as likely, die along with them," Hetty finishes, as he gives her a look.
"Yeah, you miss a lot when you're caught up sulking," Trevor states, to looks from Sass and Pete.
"Fellow ghosts, the time has come for one of us to step up. And as your commanding officer..."
Trevor's sure he'll pick himself this time since the last time of picking Pete went oh so well and being a leader means sacrifice at times.
"I believe it is only right that that responsibility falls to, this time, let's say Trevor."
Trevor's shocked and can't help glancing at Hetty, who looks shocked, too, as he asks, "What? Why me?"
Before Isaac can respond, Pete says, "I'll do it."
"Pete, are you sure about this?" Alberta asks, evidently wanting Trevor to risk it over Pete.
Pete nods, "I always played it safe in life, always worried that something bad would happen. And you know what, something bad happened anyway. And now my friends’ afterlives hang in the balance, and it's my fault that they're in there. So, am I scared? You betcha. But am I going in? You're darn tootin'. And I know, when I look back on all of this..."
A big speech now, Pete? Trevor can't help thinking. Maybe he's wasting time because he is afraid, like earlier.
"The clock is sort of ticking here, Pete. Ten seconds to evisceration."
The alarm starts blaring and Pete jumps back in horror. Figuring that Pete's not going to do it, Trevor says, "Here’s to nothing," and touches the trap.
He gets sucked into the trap and yells of "Trevor!" Before landing inside.
He can't help laughing at Thor and Flower making out, nothing like 'we're about to die sex' to get those two together. Good for them.
"Good for you guys."
Flower reaches behind her at him to grab his tie. "No, I'm good, just enjoy yourselves."
Of course, there's only about five seconds left, so he braces for whatever's about to happen.
There's a loud noise, and suddenly they're being sucked out again and appear just outside the kitchen to cheers from everyone.
It's a bit overwhelming to get all of the hugs that he doesn't usually get, but he's honestly enjoying each and every one of them as he loves touch and hugs. The last person to reach him through the crowd of ghosts around the three of them is Hetty, but she doesn't just hug him. She throws her arms around his neck and kisses him as passionately as she'd done the day after Christmas.
At first, he's too shocked to respond, and by the time that he does, there's some renewed confused shouting, and he supposes that the cats out of the bag, now.
They break apart and look at the fellow ghosts, who all look surprised except Isaac and Thor.
"I knew it!"
"It's only been a few weeks, how...?"
"You're not very quiet when you leave our room despite your attempts at being sneaky."
Thor agrees, despite Trevor being sure that he was being quiet when he leaves and returns in the middle of the night.
"Guess we were not as good at keeping it a secret as we thought,” Hetty states.
Trevor chuckles, “Guess not.”
“So, did it work? Are the ghosts safe?” Jay questions.
“Yes, yes, they are,” Sam states.
“Great! Now, I can add the information about the ghost trap to my board of ghosts,” Jay says, excitedly.
“Yeah, but we’re getting that thing out of here,” Sam says. “Last thing we need is any more of you being dumb enough to go in the trap for sole purpose of smelling a cookie.”
“Thor not dumb,” Thor states. “Thor brave unlike cowardly Pete.”
“You tested the trap for a cookie and not even a good cookie,” Sam retorts. “It doesn’t even smell that much – and if you wanted cookies, all you had to do was ask.”
“Speaking of asking for things – can you get Freddie’s old car back?” Sass asks.
“Oh, right. Uh, Freddie, could you call the guy that you sold your old car to?”
“Well, your car was haunted, and Sass wants his girlfriend back…”
Trevor tunes out the conversation as he focuses on Hetty. “Want to go for a walk?”
“I’d be delighted.”
They don’t walk very far, largely due to the snow, but it’s still nice to be out in the open, holding onto one another. They’d spent most of the walk discussing how relieved they were that they survived the trap and Hetty berating him for risking his afterlife.
He argued that despite questioning Jay in many ways, he and Sam felt confident in their plan, and that he couldn’t risk letting Thor and Flower get eviscerated if there was something that he could do to save them. It’s not just because they’re his friends, and fellow ghosts, but because he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about how he’d be alive right now (possibly) if his friends had done everything in their power to help him.
Hetty conceded that it didn’t matter anymore, although learning that they could’ve just turned it off and on made it all seem majorly unnecessary and risky for no good reason.
“So, now I get to negotiate for some hunk of junk car just so Sass can have a girlfriend?” Jay complains, as they walk up. He and Sam are sitting on the bench in the gazebo, bundled up from the cold.
“Well, I mean – how do you say no?”
“Easy. Tell him that we don’t have $1500 to waste on a car that sucks just so he can get laid,” Jay states. “I know he was – or maybe still is – a virgin, the hi tree definitely gives that vibe, but it’s too much money to waste for a relationship that has been going on for like two or three weeks.”
“Jay!” Sam scolds.
Trevor laughs, drawing Sam’s attention.
“Why are you laughing?” Sam asks, before explaining to Jay that he and Hetty had just walked up.
“It’s just funny to think that I was actually thinking the same thing – a lot of money to waste on a new relationship and that bit about Sass –”
“Well, I don’t want to know or think about the s – love lives of my ghosts, so we’re going to ignore that bit, and just say – he’s been here 500 years and he’s finally been happy and –”
“And his hi tree is the reason we struggled our first summer as a B&B,” Jay states. “I have to put my foot down, Sam. We can pretend that we’ll buy the car so the guy brings it back here and he could say goodbye, but we can’t afford to buy the car.”
“I’m sorry. I’m not doing it.”
“Maybe there’s another solution,” Trevor says, thinking of ghost trap. They were so worried about imminent redeath that they hadn’t considered any other options, but knowing off and on would have worked, there could be other uses to the ghost trap.
“Like what?”
“Like using the ghost trap.”
“What exactly are you proposing?” Hetty questions.
“That we invite the guy over, get Jessica in the trap, and then see if we can break her ghost boundary. Maybe we can change her ghost boundary,” Trevor suggests. “Sass would be happy, and you don’t have to waste money.”
Sam relays his idea to Jay, who lights up. “That’s a great idea. Imagine if it works? We could get Bjorn here for Thor and – and maybe if we ever go to Paris, Hetty could actually get to see it. I mean, the implications if we could actually break a boundary are endless.”
“Exactly. It could be a whole new world if we could travel with you – Sass could even see Shiki in person. Although I suppose he might not want to – given Jessica,” Trevor states.
Maybe he could even go and find out about his family or visit the city one last time. Not that he suggests that. He’s always preferred to not mention things he wants just in case they blow up in his face – like Ari’s visit.
Sam and Hetty are both giving him looks.
“Alright, I guess it doesn’t hurt to try.”
Trevor is thrilled as he stands with everyone – including Jessica and Freddie – around Jay’s board of ghosts. Jay’s happily adding notes to the board, while everyone chats about where they’d want to go now that they could visit other places, of course, it was all agreed that they would return home with Sam and Jay and not just stay wherever they wanted to visit.
It had been an assurance among all of them that they wouldn’t just disappear and never return, and it actually felt good to have that assurance. Trevor had been a little uncertain that anyone would want to return – after all, most of them had been stuck for a long time, maybe they’d like to be stuck somewhere else? But they all did. This place was home now, and none of them wanted to let go of it.
Before the B&B, he knows he would want to be stuck elsewhere, then again, at least they had each other and wasn’t dealing with something like Jessica had been dealing with. That had to be lonely and frustrating.
“So, where would you like to go, Trevor?” Hetty questions, getting his attention as he joins him again after making sure that Jay had put her visit locations right.
“I – I don’t know.”
Hetty gives him a look. “You have been here wishing you could be elsewhere for twenty years, certainly there must be somewhere or someone you’d like to see?”
Trevor sighs. “My parents. They should still be alive, so should my brother, and I want to visit the city one more time. I miss the city.”
“Perhaps, you should reach out.”
“After Ari, I’m kind of afraid,” Trevor admits. Then he shakes his head. “I – I just don’t want to be disappointed again.”
Hetty kisses his cheek. “We have all been disappointed by those we left behind, but you will always wonder if you do not take the opportunity that you may have now.”
Trevor smiles at her. “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I should, but you know what I want right now?”
Hetty grins at him before using her free hand to grab his tie to kiss him passionately.
“Get a room you two!”
Someone yells, causing them to break apart and realize that it’s Pete talking to Thor and Flower, also kissing in the corner. Or was it Sass and Jessica celebrating her freedom from the car? Or was it Isaac and Nigel happy that that they could travel together? Trevor doesn’t know or care, but he does sympathize with Sam, who says, “It’s like you’ve all been hit with the hormone fairy. Go to your rooms.”
Before Isaac can register what Sam said, Trevor says, “We call Hetty’s!”
He and Hetty run off up the stairs, giggling as Isaac yells after them, “Not fair!” But he doesn’t care.
He’s got the whole world open to him now and the best girl he could dream of, finally being a ghost isn’t so bad anymore.
Thank God for that ghost trap.
#AU Ghost Hunter#trevor lefkowitz#hetty woodstone#Trevor lefkowitz/Hetty woodstone#HMoney#H Money#Ghosts CBS#CBS Ghosts
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Past‚ Present‚ & Future Character List
If the fandom or character does well, it will make a comeback and will be added to my permanent write list. More info here | Simple Version
* indicates a new fandom. | ☆ indicates a fandom I discontinued. | characters in bold are characters I discontinued. | no indicator is a current fandom I write for & have no intentions to discontinue.
* Ahiru No Sora - Chiaki, Fuwa, Kaname, Kenji, Momoharu, Shinichi, Tokina, Tokiwa, Yakuma, and Yukinara.
* Black Butler - Claude, Grelle, Sebastian, Undertaker, William (added to the list!)
Bleach - Äs Nödt, Byakuya Kuchiki, Gin Ichimaru, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Isshin Kurosaki, Izuru Kira, Jūshirō Ukitake, Kenpachi Zaraki, Kensei Muguruma, Kisuke Urahara, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Nnoitra Gilga, Renji Abarai, Shinji Hirako, Shūhei Hisagi, Shunsui Kyōraku, Sōsuke Aizen, Szayelaporro Granz, Ulquiorra Cifer, Uryu Ishida, Yasutora Sado, Yumichika Ayasegawa.
☆ Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Alejandro, Alex, John, Johnny, König, Phillip, Rodolfo, Simon. *Kyle
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness - Aki, Arrin, Asrif, Bale, Boar Clan Mage, Chelko, Dark, Detlan, Fin-Kedinn, Gaup, Hord, Iakim, Inuktiluk, Juksakai, Krukoslik, Kujai, Kyo, Maheegun, Narrander (The Walker), Orvo, Poi, Raut, Sialot, Tenris, Thiazzi, Thull, Tiu, Tseid, Yolun.
Devil May Cry - Dante, Nero, V, and Vergil.
Final Fantasy - Angeal Hewley, Cloud Strife, Genesis Rhapsodos, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Kadaj, Loz, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Reno Sinclair, Rufus Shinra, Sephiroth, Vincent Valentine, Yazoo, Zack Fair.
* Food Wars! - Akira Hayama, Eishi Tsukasa, Isami Aldini, Satoshi Isshiki, Takumi Aldini, Terunori Kuga.
Grand Theft Auto V - Ron Jakowski, Trevor Philips, and Wade Hebert.
Gone - Albert Hillsborough, Alex Mayle, Antoine, Caine Soren, Charles "Orc" Merriman, Drake Merwin, Edilio Escobar, Elwood Booker, Hunter Lefkowitz, Lance, Tony "Cookie" Gilder, Toto, Turk, Tyler "Bug", Paint, Panda, Quinn Gaither, Roger, Zil Sperry.
Haikyuu - Atsumu Miya, Daichi Sawamura, Eita Semi, Kei Tsukishima, Keiji Akaashi, Keishin Ukai, Kenma Kozume, Kōshi Sugawara, Kōtarō Bokuto, Lev Haiba, Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Satori Tendō, Shinsuke Kita, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Tetsurō Kuroo, Tobio Kageyama, Tōru Oikawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yū Nishinoya.
☆ Halloween 1978 - Michael Myers
Hellboy - Abraham Sapien and Nuada Silverlance.
Hetalia Axis Powers - America, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kugelmugel, Ladonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Molossia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Prussia, Romania, Russia, Seborga, South Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
House of Wax - Bo, Lester, and Vincent.
* Hunger Games - Darrius, Finnick Odair, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch
* Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
* Jujutsu Kaisen - Choso, Geto, Nanami Kento.
Kuroko No Basket - Atsushi Murasakibara, Chihiro Mayuzumi, Daiki Aomine, Kazunari Takao, Kiyoshi Miyaji, Makoto Hanamiya, Reo Mibuchi, Shinji Koganei, Shintarō Midorima, Shoichi Imayoshi, Taiga Kagami, Tatsuya Himuro, Teppei Kiyoshi, Wei Liu.
Mortal Kombat - Baraka, Bi-Han, Dairou, Erron Black, Fujin, Hanzo Hasashi, Havik, Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Jarek, Johnny Cage, Kabal, Kano, Kenshi, Kobra, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao, Kurtis Stryker, Mavado, Quan Chi, Rain, Reiko, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Taven, Tomas Vrbada. Onaga, Reptile, Goro, Kintaro.
— All Mortal Kombat characters will be written from MK 11 and the past. I will not be writing for the new game. — Smut for animals is *not* allowed
My Hero Academia - Dabi, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinso, Hizashi Yamada, Izuku Midoriya, Kai Chisaki, Katsuki Bakugo, Keigo Takami, Mashirao Ojiro, Mezo Shoji, Mirio Togata, Neito Monoma, Shota Aizawa, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki, Tenya Iida, Tomura Shigaraki.
Naruto - Asuma Sarutobi, Deidara, Gaara, Genma Shiranui, Hashirama Senju, Hidan, Iruka Umino, Itachi Uchiha, Jiraiya, Kabuto Yakushi, Kakashi Hatake, Kakuzu, Kankurō, Kisame Hoshigaki, Kushimaru Kuriarare, Madara Uchiha, Might Guy, Minato Namikaze, Nagato (Pain), Neji Hyūga, Obito Uchiha, Orochimaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Sasori, Shikamaru Nara, Tobi, Tobirama Senju, Yamato, Zetsu.
☆ Nightmare on Elm - Freddy Krueger
* Shatter Me - Brendan, Winston.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Alfredo Sawyer, Edward "Tex" Saywer, Robert "Chop Top" Sawyer, and Nubbins Sawyer.
☆ The Boy - Brahms Heelshire
Tokyo Ghoul - Kishou Arima, Nimura Furuta, Renji Yomo, Uta.
Tokyo Revengers - Chifuyu Matsuno, Keisuke Baji, Ken "Draken' Ryuguji, Manjiro "Mikey" Sano, Mitsuya Takashi, Nahoya "Smiley" Kawata, Ran Haitani, Shuji Hanma, Souya "Angry" Kawata.
* Yuri On Ice - Chris, Otabek, Viktor, Yuri P.
#Past‚ Present‚ & Future Event#ahiru no sora#black butler#call of duty modern warfare#food wars#slashers#hunger games#hunter x hunter#jujutsu kaisen#nightmare on elm street#the boy#yuri on ice#michael myers halloween#mortal kombat#chronicles of ancient darkness
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GONE Character Crime Chart
(Counting the Monster Trillogy)
Sam Temple: First degree muder, Driving Without License, Reckless Driving, Underage Drinking, Statutory Rape¹, Involuntary Manslaughter, Federal Trespassing
Astrid Ellison: First degree muder, Statutory Rape, Illegal drug use, Agrivated assault, Illegal possession of Firearm
Caine Soren: First degree murder, Statutory Rape, Canibalism, Breaking and Entering, Federal Trespassing, Torture, Homicide²
Diana Ladris: Statutory Rape, Underage Drinking, Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer, Canibalism, Breaking and Entering
Drake Merwin (Jr): First degree muder, Agrivated assault, Driving Without License, Torture, Federal Trespassing, Breaking and Entering, Rape, Illegal possession of firearm, Multilation
Edilio Escobar: Illegal Immigration, Driving Without License, Illegal possession of firearm
Quinn Gaither: Assualt, Fishing without License, Driving Without License³, Distribution of food without permit
Lana Arwen Lazar: Underage Smoking, Illegal possession of firearm, Underage Drinking
Dekka Talent: First degree muder, Agrivated assault, Illegal possession of firearm, Underage Drinking, Involuntary Manslaughter, Federal Trespassing, Robery, Failure to report to duty⁴
Brianna Berenson: Speeding, Hunting without License, Agrivated assault, Illegal possession of firearm⁵
Computer Jack: Federal Trespassing⁶
Penny: Poisoning, Torture
Charles "Orc" Merriman: Underage Drinking, Agrivated assault, InvoluntaryManslaughter, Disturbing the peace, Driving Without License
Howard Bassem: Drug Dealing, Agrivated assault, Bootlegging, Illegal Distribution of alcohol
Zil Sperry, Lance, Hank, Turk: Hate Crime, Agrivated assault, Arson, Illegal possession of firearm
Hunter Lefkowitz: Hunting without License, Illegal distribution of food, Involuntary Manslaughter
Gaia Soren-Ladris: Canibalism, Arson, First degree muder, Involuntary Manslaughter, Agrivated assault, Torture, Homicide⁷
1: Statutory Rape is sex between two minors, which is illegal in California.
2: I am positive that his list should be longer
3: some laws I've combined like Driving Without License and boating without License
4: This list is only so long because of the stuff she did in the Monster Trillogy
5: This should probably be longer too
6: Okay, I am positive turning off an entire town's electricity is illegal, but I can't find the law so I didn't add it
7: her list is probably short because she was only in two books
#gone series#shit thats a lot of characters#sam temple#astrid ellison#caine soren#diana ladris#Drake Merwin#edilio escobar#quinn gaither#lana arwen lazar#dekka talent#brianna the breeze#computer jack#penny gone series#charles merriman#howard bassem#im not tagging these 4#hunter lefkowitz#gaia Soren-Ladris#there's probably a lot of things i missed#these are just the crimes i know off hand
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Hunter Lefkowitz
Age: 15
Level: 2.5
Power: Heat Projection
Position: Hunter
#Hunter Lefkowitz#the gone series#gone micheal grant#gone books#the fayz#residents of the fayz#sam temple#dekka talent#coates academy
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assigning gone mutants to entities from the magnus archives (2/2)
(some of these are probably pretty obvious. again, i wrote a little about this potential au here.)
#gone series#the gone series#gone michael grant#tma#gone tma au#orsay pettijohn#charles merriman#hunter lefkowitz#gone taylor#gone penny#brittney donegal#gone nerezza
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hunter deserved better
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You know, one thing I both love and hate (in a good way) of Michael Grant's Gone is that in book one, there's just that one major death: Bette. The first murder of the FAYZ. There is a lot of death in general in book 1, but it also feels kind of distant. But Bette seems to be the one who makes it sink in, I guess, that these kids can and will die stuck in here. And over the course of the series, the amount of deaths grow and become less distant and more real and in your face, raising the stakes higher and making you wonder just how many of the characters you've seen grow over six books will make it out alive. And if they do, at what cost?
#gone michael grant#gone#michael grant#Hunger#Lies#Plague#Fear#Light#the gone series#gone series#Bouncing better#Bette gone#fayz#the fayz#fayzian#Hunter lefkowitz#charles merriman#caine soren#little pete
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rest in peace duck, e.z, hunter, mary, dahra, justin, jack, howard, orc, pete, orsay, brianna and caine. you all died heroes, and i hope you are together, one happy family wherever you are.
#duck zhang#hunter lefkowitz#mary terrafino#e.z zellicoe#dahra baidoo#justin#computer jack#howard bassem#charles merriman#peter ellison#orsay pettijohn#brianna berenson#caine soren#gone series
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i actually think it’s a bit of an odd choice for mg to specifically have sam and co. exile hunter in hunger; i may be forgetting some details but i can’t help but think that would have been a more significant thing to happen when astrid’s in charge. she’s made all these laws and promised to enforce them, but it’s hard to imagine her not having some moral conflict with exiling a brain-damaged kid from town, given her own experience with little pete’s disability. i can’t remember if there’s any qualms from anyone in hunger about exiling hunter, but that seems like an important thing to bring up—punishing someone who’s clearly cognitively impaired for something they did when their brain was in full working order seems sort of terrible to me. (sure, sam could also have some moral issues with exiling hunter, but i can’t help but think it’d be more thematically appropriate for astrid 🤷♀️)
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GHOSTS (US) | Ghost Hunter: What happens when you leave the ghosts unattended with a mysterious new toy? This.
#CBS Ghosts#Ghosts CBS#Ghosts#Ghost Hunter#Hetty Woodstone#Thorfinn#Pete Martino#Jay Arondekar#Trevor Lefkowitz#Isaac Higgintoot#Melanieexox Gifs#spoilers
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when do you think is Hunter's birthday ? :0
i actually had this written down somewhere and i have no clue where it’s gone !!! i’m devastated ☹️ although, i do remember it saying he’s 15 in hunger (which is likely set late february-early march due to it being three months after the events of gone, which is november) so id say somewhere around late january-early february ? i’ll have to either find my notes or just fashion him a new one bc my baby deserves it 🤞🏻
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new ghosts tonight, y'all know what that means! trevor was a 10/10 tonight! my favorite trevor moment was when alberta got offended that freddy called her singing off key and he squeezed her arm out of support 🥺🥺🥺
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Multi-fandom Masterlist
“TennantsLittleKitten” on both AO3 and FF.net
My writing blog is @cycat-carisi. That’s where I’ll post new fics and fic recs!
I'll have it up in my blog description whether prompts and/or HCs are open😊
Symbols and meanings:
* = 18+ NO minors!
[# / #] = multi-chapter
Title = tumblr link
[x] = AO3 link (older fics are no longer linked but may still have an AO3 post)
Peggy Carter x Edwin Jarvis
- Bring Her Home Series [3/?]
Bring Her Home - [x]
Who’s Going To Drive You Home Tonight? - [x]
You Two - [x]
- Other Fics
A Dance - [x]
Checkmate - [x]
Demoted - [x]
Deserted - [x]
In Sickness and In Health [1/?] - [x]
Just Between You and Me [2/?] - [x]
Never [2/2] - [x]
Over the Wire* - [x]
Peggy Carter, Vampire Hunter* - [x]
Resolution - [x]
Unknown - [x]
We Are Only Human - [x]
The Dream - [x]
Eleventh Doctor x River Song
Incarnation Entities - [x]
Song of Darillium* [4/?] - [x]
Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler
It Was Just One of Those Off Days Within the TARDIS* - [x]
Thank You For the Moment - [x]
Gator Tillman
Lonesome Superhero Masterlist - [x]
Lonesome Superhero part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, epilogue
Gasoline - [x]
Arya Stark x Gendry Waters
Gods, I Love Her - [x]
Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth
An Unsent Letter - [x]
Queenslayer - [x]
The Walls of Winterfell: After the War - [x]
Hetty Woodstone x Trevor Lefkowitz
Take From Me My Lace - [x]
Only You: A CBS Ghosts Series - [x]
-> Commitment (Trevor x Nicky) - [x]
Sonny Carisi x Reader; Rollisi; Velasco x Reader
Sonny + SVU Masterlist here
Ozzy (S6) x MC
#GetAwayForTwo - [x]
#ILoveYou* - [x]
Not If the Postcard Was Right - [x]
Eddie (S5) x MC
Better Things To Come - [x]
Maleficent x Diaval
Proven Wrong Once Again - [x]
BJ x Peg Hunnicutt
Home - [x]
Sherlock Holmes x Molly Hooper
A Song For You, My Love - [x]
Beneath the Silk - [x]
Can’t Keep It Inside - [x]
Department Meetings - [x]
Drunk!lock* [3/3] - [x]
Footloose! - [x]
Leather and Lace - [x]
Seconds Matter - [x]
Seven Times In Baker Street* - [x]
Silly Tradition, Really - [x]
Sherlock Holmes x Irene Adler
Let’s Have Dinner [3/?] - [x]
Rain - [x]
Jim Moriarty
Mummy’s Little Magpie - [x]
Steve Harrington x Reader
I Left My Pretty Baby With Ralphie - [x]
Morning News - [x]
New dad!Steve drabble
Spent - [x]
Jonah Simms x Reader
Meant to Bee Masterlist - [x]
#my fanfic#my masterlist#cycat4077#tennantslittlekitten#multifandom masterlist#peggy carter x edwin jarvis#cats the musical#eleventh doctor x river song#tenth doctor x rose tyler#arya stark x gendry waters#jaime lannister x brienne of tarth#sonny carisi x reader#sonny carisi x amanda rollins#maleficen x diaval#bj hunnicutt x peg hunnicutt#sherlock holmes x molly hooper#sherlock holmes x irene adler#joe velasco x reader#steve harrington x reader#love island the game fanfic#love island ozzy x reader#fargo season 5#gator tillman#cbs ghosts#ghosts cbs#h-money#hetty x trevor#jonah simms#jonah simms x reader#superstore
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———Hunter Lefkowitz Aesthetic Board ———
(I loved Hunter as a character, he had a very different storyline which was interesting)
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